I cannot believe I forgot to post the results for the 2021 Shiitake Awards! I've had the results ready since March but I simply got busy on other projects and forgot to post the winners. The annual Shiitake Awards is a project by OnceFallen.com and is designed to spotlight those who choose to exploit Sex Offense Laws and Predator Panic for personal gain. This is the 14th year of the Shiitake Awards.DUMBEST NEW BILL/LAW OF 2021
The pandemic and economic chaos has slowed down new laws but it is guaranteed there will always be at least one stupid legislative bill, or in this case , three.
DUMBEST NEW BILL/LAW WINNER! South Carolina S. 228 (2021-2022): A bill to amend section 16-15-305 of the 1976 code, relating to the unlawful dissemination, procurement, or promotion of obscenity, to provide that it is unlawful to buy, sell, deliver, rent, distribute, or otherwise provide any figurine for the representation, description, or use of the obscene; and to define necessary terms. i.e., “sex dolls”RUNNER UP: Arizona HB 2889 (2021): This bill signed into law was inspired by the QAnon “#SaveTheChildren” campaign of 2020 and greatly increases sentencing for many sex offenses and eliminating any early release including good time.
Dishonorable mention: Missouri SB 91 (2021): This act provides that persons guilty of certain sex crimes cannot be present or loiter within five hundred feet of athletic complexes or athletic fields that exist primarily for use and recreation of children or within five hundred feet of Missouri Department of Conservation Nature or Education Center properties, unless the registered sex offender is the parent of a child participating in an educational program of the Department of Conservation and has permission to be on the property. This bill was enacted into law.
While many people say stupid things about the sex offense registry and people placed on them, we can always turn to pandering politicians, hillbilly cops, fake news propagansists, and worst of all, victim industry spokespersons to provide us with the worst outtakes.

DUMBEST QUOTE 2021 WINNER! Carrie Nettles, SC Victim industry advocate: Nettles told a reporter for Baptist News: “With this population of people, start by assuming they are lying,” said Nettles, who works with rape victims. Even if they try to explain that a past situation wasn’t really as bad as others reported it to be, church leaders should beware, she explained. “That is the MO of most perpetrators, to use a known truth to come across as genuine. There’s usually a drastic difference in what really happened.” This is an urgent issue for church leaders to think about in advance, Nettles said, because sex offenders like to come to church. She reported that 93% of sex offenders identify as “very religious,” and, “the ones who are more religious have more offenses and more victims.”
RUNNER UP: Jesse Watters, Fox News commentator: He falsely claimed that “the $1.9 trillion stimulus package proposed by President Joe Biden includes Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans "for sex offenders." "They have PPP loans for country clubs in here. Like, the squash courts and the putting greens are in such disrepair they needed an immediate injection of money? They have PPP loans in here for fraternities and sororities, Dana. Like, do you really think they're struggling right now? They have PPP loans in here for sex offenders. So you rape a child. 'Here! Here's a loan! Take it,'" he said...
Dumbest Quote Dishonorable Mentions:
President Joe Biden: C'mon, man! “The average rapist rapes about six times.” President Biden, in remarks during the weekly economic briefing, April 9. During an economic briefing, the president touted his budget proposal, highlighting additional funding for programs funded by the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 — a bill Biden had shepherded to passage as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. In particular, he highlighted a push to provide additional funds to end a backlog in rape kits. Then he mentioned this statistic — and stepped into a hornet’s nest of fierce debate among specialists on sexual assault.
Ted Cruz, Cancun Senator: In trying to stymie efforts to get stimulus checks into the hands of citizens, Lying Ted stated the following on the Senate floor—“ Mr. President, let's try one more time. The Democrats have objected to not sending checks to criminals in prison. The Democrats have objected to not sending checks to murderers in prison. The Democrats have objected to not sending checks to rapists in prison. Let's try a group that I think may be the lowest of the low, which is child molesters. I spent a lot of years in law enforcement, and I think there is no more horrific offense than those who commit crimes of violence and sexual assault against kids. When I was solicitor general of Texas, the cases where people sexually abused kids I thought should be in Dante's Ninth Circle of Hell. So here is a chance for some bipartisan agreement. Can't we all agree that the Federal Government shouldn't send $1,400 checks to the child molesters in prison right now for molesting kids?”
Eric Schmitt, Missouri Attorney General: Protesting the cancellation of Operation Talon (a proposed immigration operation by ICE that never got off the ground), an official press release by Schmitt says, “The cancellation of this program effectively broadcasts to the world that the United States is now a sanctuary jurisdiction for sexual predators. This message creates a perverse incentive for foreign sexual predators to seek to enter the United States illegally and assault more victims, both in the process of unlawful migration and after they arrive. It will also broadcast the message to other criminal aliens who have committed less heinous offenses that any kind of robust enforcement against them is extremely unlikely.”
Mitchell Scoggins, Georgia State Rep.: Scoggins thinks increasing registration for low level Registrants is somehow "helpful." “The benefit of this bill is that it will help sex offenders stay on the registry longer,” said Scoggins. “Now they’re able to get off after three years if they’re Level I.” The primary sponsor of House Bill 347 is District 19 State Rep. Joseph Gullett (R, Dallas.) “Someone that he knew or had dealings with had got off the registry, he thought too early,” Scoggins said. “This bill will help solve that problem.”
Jon Jones, Punch Drunk UFC fighter: He thinks California is “passing pedophilia.” UFC legend Jon Jones was not happy to learn of California’s passing of pedophilia, making his feelings on the subject very clear this evening. The state of California recently passed SB 145, a bill that is aimed at creating parity in criminal sentencing for young LGBTQ people who have sex with other young people. Here’s what the bill actually does (via sacbee.com): “Under existing law since 1944, when a person is found by a court to have had vaginal intercourse with a minor 14 years of age or older, and the age difference is not more than 10 years, judges are given discretion as to whether to require that person to register as a sex offender.” With that said, the state of California did not actually legalize pedophilia. Still, SB 145 has numerous individuals up in arms, including former UFC light heavyweight kingpin Jon Jones. ‘Bones’ took to social media where he shared his disgust after hearing news of the passed bill. “Californians passing pedophilia now, let me be real clear on where I stand on this topic, I find you all absolutely fucking disgusting.” – Jones wrote on Twitter.
Many that land on this list focus too much on Predator Panic, which usually means they're lacking in other departments and particularly in intelligence.

DUMBEST/WORST POLITICIAN 2021 WINNER! Frank Artiles, Disgraced ex-FloriDUH State Senator: Disgraced former FL State Senator Frank Artiles (an ally of the Book family) sponsored the bill in 2014 that made changes to the FL Statutes to make the driver’s license marks that say "Sexual Predator" them (the law existed before then but the statute number was listed, not the phrase). From Frank Artiles's own website, he made it a point to be a part of the 2014 "scorched earth policy", adding, "It is a top priority of the Florida House to make Florida the most unfriendly state in the nation for sexually violent predators." So I don't feel bad at all that this piece of crap was busted for election fraud. “Confirmed: There was voter fraud in Florida in the 2020 election after all. And the alleged perpetrator, foul-mouthed Frank Artiles, is getting his due. The disgraced former Florida lawmaker and GOP operative is charged with making a mockery of democracy: rigging a 2020 state Senate race in Miami-Dade by planting and paying $44,708 to a bogus, no-party candidate with a similar name to the Democratic incumbent. His masterful strategy to win for the GOP — now the stuff of riveting search and arrest warrants — was to siphon off votes from the Democrat.
RUNNER UP: Craig Shubert, Hudson OH Mayor: He threatened to have teachers who approved a school assignment he didn’t approve of charged with CP. "During last week's school board meeting, Hudson Mayor Craig Shubert issued an ultimatum: "It has come to my attention that your educators are distributing essentially what is child pornography in the classroom. I've spoken to a judge this evening. She's already confirmed that. So I'm going to give you a simple choice: You either choose to resign from this board of education or you will be charged." Among the prompts in question: "Write a sex scene you wouldn't show your mom." The book has been removed from the course by district officials. The Summit County prosecutor said last week the sexual writing prompts aren't child porn, but the prosecutor's office is continuing to look into whether any other laws were broken." "These allegations have resulted in threats being made against board members, faculty and administrators in Hudson," Summit County Prosecutor Sherri Bevan Walsh said Friday in a news release. "Those threats must stop. Under Ohio law, a prompt about a fictional writing is not child pornography. We will review this matter and determine if there is a factual basis that any laws were broken either by the writing prompts or the threats that have been made.”
Dumbest Pol Dishonorable Mentions:
Curtis J. Hart, Kelso WA City Council Nominee: The 2018 “Everyday Zeroes Award” Winner, who won because he obtained non-public registry data of Tier 1s, then published and harassed them. He ran for Kelso City Council in 2021, but dropped out because (ironically) he didn’t want to subject himself to public disclosure of information.
Doug Ducey, Arizona Governor: Ducey held up a beneficial law for some RCs because he wanted to balance his budget. “Gov. Doug Ducey is ratcheting up the pressure on GOP lawmakers to reach an agreement on the budget, vowing not to sign any other legislation that reaches his desk until he gets a budget, and backing up his threat by vetoing 22 bills. Ducey made the announcement in response to both the House of Representatives and Senate adjourning until June 10 after Republican legislative leaders failed to round up a majority to pass the budget deal they forged with the governor. The GOP has only a one-vote majority in both legislative chambers and Democrats oppose the proposed budget, meaning Republican lawmakers must vote unanimously to approve the plan. “We have the opportunity to make responsible and significant investments in K-12 education, higher education, infrastructure and local communities, all while delivering historic tax relief to working families and small businesses,” Ducey wrote on Twitter on Friday afternoon. “Once the budget passes, I’m willing to consider some of these other issues. But until then, I will not be signing any additional bills. Let’s focus on our jobs, get to work and pass the budget.” The governor wasted no time acting on his ultimatum, vetoing all 22 bills that were on his desk. That list of bills included legislation to ban certain kinds of anti-racism training for government employees, a bill that would make it a felony for election officials to send early ballots to voters who don’t request them, a bill that make it easier for some low-level sex offenders to remove their names from the state’s sex offender registry and legislation improving treatment for pregnant prison inmates.”
Samantha Kerkman, WI State Rep: Useful Idiot who admits civil commitment is just an extension of prison time. “State Rep. Samantha Kerkman, R-Salem Lakes, said she and state Sen. Van Wanggaard, R-Racine, “are working together to enhance our 980 statute” with additional notification rules. The legislators’ districts include Salem Lakes. “We are lucky the statute was put on the books in 1994 because it’s helped keep people who are sexually violent incarcerated for an additional time period,” Kerkman said. “It’s an involuntary commitment essentially to help keep our communities safe.”
Brian Jones, Republican California State Senator: He is actively trying to prevent Registrants from being placed in his community. “Sen. Brian Jones said Friday he has asked Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration to halt the potential placements of two convicted sex offenders in an East County home. The placements in question are the proposed conditional releases of Douglas Badger and Merle Wakefield, both of whom the Department of State Hospitals has recommended be housed in a supervised home on Horizon Hills Drive in the Mt. Helix neighborhood.”
Colorado Gov. Jared Polis: Is CO Gov. Jared Polis in a competition with Lauren Boebert for dumbest politician in Colorado? You'd think a gay person would understand the demeaning power of labels. But then you'd be wrong. I sent him a pretty scathing email to remind him of the power of negative labels. He needs to study up on gay history too, since it wasn't that long ago the "sex offender" label was used to target the gay community.
Illinois State Rep. Kelly Cassidy: “There are over 200 murdered registrants, and thousands more have been harassed. It seems Ill-noise state rep Kelly Cassidy loves murder, be it registered persons or the unborn. Hyperbole or not, calling for bounties on those accused of sexual offenses is appalling and I think her term in office should be the only thing aborted.” “State Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago), who in 2019 sponsored law defining abortion as a fundamental right in Illinois, is introducing a bill dubbed "The EXpanding Abortion Services Act,” the acronym of which spells TEXAS. The Texas law is uniquely designed, allowing private citizens the right to bring a civil lawsuit against anyone who performs an abortion, gets an abortion or aids in someone getting an abortion after six weeks of pregnancy. Opponents of the law have described the minimum $10,000 in damages up for grabs as a “bounty.” Cassidy’s proposal instead would instead give Illinoisans the right to seek at least $10,000 in damages against anyone who causes an unwanted pregnancy — even if it resulted from consensual sex — or anyone who commits sexual assault or abuse, including domestic violence. “If folks are policing the bodies of people who are seeking reproductive healthcare in Texas, well, then maybe we should be policing the bodies of the people who are causing those problems here in Illinois,” Cassidy told NPR Illinois.
Most candidates are from the Lamestram media, but some independent media outlets can be worse since they lack any report screening processes.

DUMBEST NEWS MUTT 2021 WINNER! Mary Ellen Klas, Miami Herald: Once upon a time, the Miami Herald wrote great, well researched stories. Not anymore. Klasless’s adding Derek Logue's name in a blatant false light statement in an unrelated case against Lauren Book, referring to Derek as a “stalker,” is still a civilly liable action. I guess the Miasma Herald isn't what it used to be. “This is not the first time Book has faced harassment and cyber stalking. Book, who suffered sexual abuse by a nanny when she was a child, leads the advocacy group Lauren’s Kids. In 2018, she obtained an injunction against Derek Logue, an outspoken critic of sex-offender laws, whom she accused of cyber stalking and harassment. A Broward County circuit judge issued an injunction that included a series of requirements designed to prevent Logue from having contact with the lawmaker or threatening her. But Logue appealed to the Fourth District Court of Appeal, which ruled in a 2-1 decision in 2019 that the injunction violated his First Amendment rights. A footnote in the majority opinion said an Alabama court in 2001 convicted Logue of improper relations with a minor."
RUNNER UP: Crawford County Now (Ohio news site): Bashes Registered Citizen working as a paralegal in upcoming trial. These reporters didn't even have the guts to add their names to the article, but it isn't like they have that many reporters, so chances are, Randy Bigley (News Director) and/or Kim Gasurus (News Reporter) wrote this hit piece. Since I can't narrow down who actually deserves this nomination, so I'm just giving it to the whole paper for now. They even threatened to sue OnceFallen.com for nominating them for a Shiitake Award. “...Yesterday, Crawford County Now received an anonymous tip that a Tier I sex offender was assisting in the jury selection process. Howard noted that Ryan T***, a paralegal for defense counsel Adam Stone was indeed an active registrant on the offender registry in Crawford County. Howard noted that T** had spent time incarcerated and had done everything required of him. Hall also confirmed that T** was assisting at the defense table during jury selection. Stone (who had represented T*** in his case) told the court he did not want B** to suffer for a choice he made. He said that B** knew T***’s record and agreed to his assistance in the case. Stone said he has employed T*** for a year and a half. He told the court that T*** has amazing resolve and can communicate effectively with B**. He also noted that since losing his teaching license, T*** had advanced his education to paralegal studies. Hall then asked B** how he felt about Stone’s ability to effectively represent him. “I am frustrated and sickened by what happened last night (CCN article). It was formed to hinder our argument, but I don’t feel it hinders Adam’s defense.” B** said.
Dumbest News Mutt Dishonorable Mentions:
Jessica Ye, The Diamondback (University of Maryland Student Newspaper): Explicitly calls for vigilante actions when we feel the justice system did not punish those accused of sex crimes enough. “I usually consider public humiliation to be a pretty useless and unnecessarily cruel punishment for crimes that specifically target vulnerable people. However, there’s a marked difference between sexual crimes and most other crimes…In the context of sexual crimes, I think public humiliation achieves some necessary objectives if there’s no institutional or legal punishment. First and most importantly, it serves to keep potential victims away from people with a history of sexual harassment accusations… Second, public humiliation can also have indirect consequences on perpetrators’ future careers and reputations…If our institutions cannot ensure that people will be safe and that criminals will suffer consequences for their actions, society should. Public humiliation might just be the most effective tool individuals can use.
Justin Lundy, WCYB 5 (VA): Lundy intentionally inflames and misreads viewers by claiming trailer park is becoming a "sex offender sanctuary." An East Stone Gap community is concerned after learning a sanctuary for registered sex offenders might be intentionally relocated to their neighborhood. Longtime resident Vernon Porch Jr. has an 8-year-old daughter. Porch says he plans to leave the mobile home park. "Most of the time we have eight kids here just playing at my house and we can't live here anymore if it's going to be like this," Porch said.
Adam Heberts, Fox 13 Salt Lake City (UT): Goes out of his way to disrupt the life of a Registered Person. Here, we see yet another reporter taking not just to ensure a Registered Person is banned from volunteer work, he's also trying to disrupt the Registrant's life by looking into getting him arrested.
Marlee Minter, CBS Sacramento (CA): Spent entire week whipping the residents of Orangevale CA into Predator Panic. “With a three-month-old baby on her hip and a four-year-old daughter always riding her bicycle in the neighborhood, Melanie Osterman wants to make sure she knows her neighbors. JS is a convicted sex offender who authorities say has interests in cannibalism. Neighbors reached out to CBS13 after receiving an alert about Scarcello living on Drywood Way. “Nobody wants that kind of crap in this neighborhood at all,” said Osterman. After our original story aired, the homeowner told CBS13 Scarcello had applied to live there, but was denied. But the Federal Defender’s office confirms Scarcello did live there in November and moved out December 1.
Brittany Summers, Pregnancy Health News: Attempted to link abortion and "normalizing pedophilia." “One foundational belief held by the pro-life community is that all life is sacred. The sanctity of human life is in jeopardy from a threat not always attributed as such, and that is in the movement to normalize pedophilia. As the world remains fixed on contending with the coronavirus, I submit that pedophilia presents its own pandemic. It’s not simply a religious or moral issue, but a human rights issue, like abortion, with our children at increasing risk of sexual abuse. This menace is creeping across the country, infiltrating social media, legislation, movie and television productions. Public dialog on the issues of child pornography, sexualization of children and the justification of pedophilia seems to be headed more and more toward acceptance. It’s a coarsened regard for human life that enables both abortion and sexual exploitation, and it runs deep in our society, its threat to our children seeping increasingly into our public consciousness.”
Kathianne Boniello, New York Post: There is no Elijah Kelly listed on the NY public registry. So why does it matter he's staying in a shelter where other registered persons reside? Does she think sexual offense are contageous or we spread trade secrets like Pokemon cards? Either way, her logic is faulty and her appearance on extreme right-winger websites such as "The Ultimate Patriot" makes me suspicious of her motives. “A man busted in the frightening New Year’s Eve strangulation rape of a Manhattan woman lived nearby in a notorious homeless shelter, where more than two dozen registered sex offenders currently reside, a Post analysis found. The accused rapist, Elijah Kelly, 23, was nabbed at East 30th Street and Third Ave in Kips Bay, not far from the scene of the rape — and just steps from his home at the Bellevue Men’s Shelter, which has long been a pervert dumping ground and a bane to neighbors in tony Kips Bay. In addition to Kelly, who faces a host of charges in the alleged attack, including rape, robbery, felony assault and strangulation, current shelter residents include such fiends as a David Bradley, 35, who pimped out a 23-year-old woman he knew; convicted rapist Johnny Ellis, 58, a Level 3 sex offender who attacked a woman at gunpoint; and violent serial rapist Charada Turner, 47, who choked and raped three women after threatening them with a knife.
Colorado Springs Gazette Editorial Board (Ryan McKibben, Christian Anschutz, Chris Reen, Wayne Laugesen, & Paula Davis): Headline reads, “Say it out loud in Colorado — sex offender.” Body reads, “Kudos to Gov. Jared Polis for nixing the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board’s vote last month to substitute silly, “person first” wokeism for sound policy. Readers might recall that the obscure board, which writes the rules for rehabilitating and monitoring convicted sex offenders, made news a few weeks ago with its 10-6 vote to bar — ironically — the term “sex offender” from board use. Board members decided instead to call sex offenders, “adults who commit sexual offenses.” Precious, right? To say nothing of absurd, pointless and insulting to the many Coloradans who have been victims of sexual assault… They don’t need to be coddled with kinder, gentler labels. They urgently need help — and they should be getting it behind bars, preferably while serving out their full sentences. Meanwhile, the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board could use a little therapy, too. Members who voted for the change should be required to repeat the words, “sex offender” aloud 100 times. Acknowledging who they truly are is the first step toward helping them.”
Cops often give some of the least educated takes on the registry, and many exploit Predator Panic for some cheap sweeps week air time. It is no wonder so many distrust law enforcement.

ACAB KEYSTONE KOP OF THE YEAR WINNER! Keith Vidler, ex-Orange County, FL, Sheriff's Deputy: Amazingly, Vidler actually held accountable for targeting Registered Person for 2 years. “A sergeant with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office has been terminated after the sheriff’s office said he abused his power during a traffic stop. Veteran officer Keith Vidler is accused of holding a grudge against a man he had been investigating for two years. Vidler, a 30-year veteran law enforcement officer, pulled people to safety during the Pulse nightclub attack. An internal investigation into a traffic stop found Vidler purposely targeted JD, a registered sex offender who has a history of arrests for impersonating a police officer. Initially, Vidler said he was pulling the convicted felon over for carrying a firearm, but it turned out to be a pepper ball gun. A sheriff’s office internal investigation found the pepper ball weapon was in plain view and not concealed, and that Dewitte should have been released, but instead he was taken to jail.”
RUNNER UP: Kerry Forestal, Marion Co IN Sheriff: Justifies harassment campaign by claiming high reoffense rates. Forestal said, “We keep the eyes on the people who want to keep their eyes on the children. Sex offenders have a very high recidivism rate and to make that very clear, they do it again.”… He said all is he asking them to do is follow the rules, and because he knows some out there are not doing that, he and his department are committed to conducting unannounced sweeps and focusing resources on the issue, as needed. MCSO said so far, year to date, they have conducted 3,600 in-person compliance checks. Additionally, the department has launched 195 criminal investigations, which is a 49% increase from the same time period in 2018.
ACAB Keystone Kop of the Year Dishonorable Mentions:
Manuel “Manny” Gonzalez, Bernalillo Co. NM Sheriff: Makes false claims against political opponent, including accusation on helping Registrants move close to schools. “Back in 2017, I wrote “it doesn’t get much darker” than ominous television ads attacking mayoral candidate Tim Keller, who is now Albuquerque mayor. Well, it’s gotten darker, and again Keller is the target. Four years ago the television ads, followed by billboards, showed an image of Keller and quickly cut to a dark figure wearing a hoodie, a classic racist trope. “Sex offender” flashed in bold red letters on the screen before cutting to a backlit child riding a bike. Essentially, the ad sought to tap unconscious racist fears and smear Keller as a sex offender at the same time. Media outlets, including New Mexico In Depth, found no basis in the charge. Keller was one of 16 state senators in 2011 who voted for a bill sponsored by then-Senator Cisco McSorley that would have prevented municipalities from dictating where sex offenders could live. The state’s Sex Offender Management Board supported the bill. But the facts didn’t matter to those who paid for the ads, a mega westside land developer and a southern New Mexico oil man. It was classic negative campaigning — just throw any sort of mud at a candidate because you don’t like their politics. And the facts don’t seem to matter to Bernalillo County Sheriff Manny Gonzales as he tries to unseat Keller as Albuquerque’s mayor this year. Gonzales dredged up the sex offender charge at a KOB mayoral debate Tuesday night, accusing Keller of sponsoring a bill in the past that would allow sex offenders to live close to schools and parks.
Jack Campbell Sangamon County (IL) Sheriff: Claims a bill lowering strict residency restrictions is "pro-sex offender, anti-victim, anti-police". “Currently, sex offenders have to live a minimum of 500 feet away from places like these. Those in favor of the bill say this would help support and rehabilitate sex offenders. However, law enforcement officials and many people on Facebook think the whole idea is idiotic. House Bill 3913 would make it so sex offenders could live 250 feet away from playgrounds, schools, and day cares, instead of 500. "The closer you bring a sex offender to these vulnerable targets, the more likely they are going to offend,” Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell said. Campbell said this is a pro-sex offender, anti-victim, anti-police bill. "Overall, the bill would make our communities less safe,” Campbell said.
SVigilantes are truly scum of the earth. While not all vigilante activity involves direct violence, every nominee attempted or succeeded in causing harm to a Registered Person and should be locked up for life.

EVERYDAY ZEROES (VIGILANTES) 2021 WINNER! Barney Bishop III, Tallahasse FL: A friend of the Book Crime Family, Bishop lobbied to have a shelter closed because they accept RCs, “A recent column mentioning the shelter on Mahan Drive cites it as a “homeless” shelter. It is also a “low barrier” shelter for sex offenders. It is to be expected that supporters of this facility would neglect to cite this fact and attempt to obscure the issue as a homeless issue. While it was initially only to be used as a temporary cold night shelter, City Walk shelter was surreptitiously and illegally transformed into a permanent shelter that includes sex offenders. It is across the street from Hilltop Academy and near public schools. This violates Florida law, common sense, and is highly inappropriate. Moreover, the neighbors were never notified of the change. In one article, Renee Miller, the executive director, claims they looked in the city code and did not find any restrictions that applied to them…” 2014's runner up in this category is this year's champion.
RUNNER UP! Amy Gray of Hull, UK: Impersonated her ex-boyfriend to set him and new girlfriend up for a vigilante sting operation. It backfired and she was arrested. “A Hull woman hacked into her ex-boyfriend's Facebook account, arranged to meet a 14-year-old for sex and then alerted a paedophile vigilante group in a bizarre revenge plot. Amy Gray, 37, of Great Thornton Street, said she was angry that her ex had left her for another woman and in November 2018 decided to teach him a lesson. Gray - who had helped the man set up a Facebook profile - used his passwords to log on and message a 14-year-old girl that was later revealed to be a decoy set up by a paedophile vigilante group. Hull Crown Court heard on Monday that Gray - pretending to be her ex-boyfriend - arranged to meet the underage girl on Newland Avenue for sex. Ben Thomas, prosecuting, told the court she had also used her ex-partner's new girlfriend's name, claiming they wanted the girl to take part in a "threesome." In an interview with police, Gray told officers it would be a "bonus" for her love rival to get into trouble too. "Predator's Exposed," the group behind the decoy, then made their way to Newland Avenue expecting to catch Gray's ex-partner, who is in fact already on the Sex Offender's Register.”
Everyday Zeroes 2021 Dishonorable Mentions:
Michael Cusano, Glenville NY: “In the Glenville case, another
neighbor, Mike Cusano, launched an online petition on change.org titled
#NotInMyNeighborhood that as of Tuesday had 572 supporters. An updated message
in bold letters by the author declared victory after the man put the home up
for sale. The petition wants him out, saying his presence has cast a pall over
a neighborhood where ordinarily "the air is filled with children's laughter
and kids playing outside.”
Makenzie Wagoner, Loogootee, IN: I found Makenzie's FB page, and
the first thing I see is a hashtag associated with QAnon, so this tells me all
I need to know about this person's education level. She also posted bogus
statistics as well as her blatant misuse of the registry to harass this
business owner. She should be locked up, quite frankly. Maybe instead of
harassing folks who served their time and who promotes crackpot conspiracy
hashtags, she she spend more time hitting the books at USI. Maybe she should
take criminal justice instead of Gender Studies courses. “The fact that a
convicted sex offender has opened a tattoo shop near a preschool brought out an
overflow crowd of more than 30 to Tuesday’s Loogootee City Council meeting. Wagoner,
19, made an impassioned plea for city officials and the public at large to take
action to protect young children. She does not want the business closed, but
rather forced to relocate some place away from children… “I’m fighting for
this, but I should not be fighting alone,” Wagoner said. “He is going to offend
again, it is only a matter of time.”
Darius McGowan, Atlanta, GA: Starts online petition to place
unconstitutional marks on Georgia State IDs. “New petitions can make it
difficult for sex offenders to enter metro Atlanta bars and nightclubs. The
petition already has nearly 10,000 signatures and was initiated by a friend of
a local bartender who was kidnapped and raped. Chris Anthony said it seems less
than two months after his friend Mariam, 27. Abdulab Taken from him, “Honestly,
when you don’t have an answer, what you know is still fresh.”
Caresse Boulter of Riverside City
College (CA):
Tried to get RC kicked out of campus elections. “Another convicted sex offender
running for student body president at RCC… But some students have complained
about Jaramillo’s criminal background and status as a registered sex offender,
and at least one student has demanded that he withdraw his candidacy. RCC
senior Caresse Boulter believes administrators have been insensitive to the
concerns of students, especially survivors of sexual abuse. She said she
complained to Student Activities Coordinator Deborah Hall about J’s bid for
president and was told nothing could be done. “What’s disheartening is when
there’s no consideration being given to survivors of sexual abuse. It is what
it is and you just have to deal with it,” Boulter said in a telephone
interview. Boulter, who served in student government and leadership herself,
said she has nothing personal against J. “It’s purely because I am concerned
for the mental well-being of survivors at the school,” she said… Boulter said she personally asked
J to withdraw from the election on Friday, May 14. She said she also spoke out
against Jaramillo’s candidacy at the most recent ICC meeting on Monday, May 17,
but was not allowed to directly address J.
Charles "Chuck"
Rodrick, Arizona:
For nearly a decade, Charles "Chuck" Rodrick lived high off the hog
by using the registry to extort victims out of millions. But his time is
finally up. Look at those soulless eyes and that unkempt appearance. This isn't
Rodrick's first rodeo. In fact, Rodrick and his cohort Oesterblad were busted
for fraud back in the 1990s. This arrest should have happened as far back as
2011. I'm not sure what finally prompted the FBI to finally lock this loser up.
He has spent years avoiding the law while continuing his campaign of online
terror, and soon he'll be more permanently in a familiar location. Courtkey.com, formerly owned by Sucky Chucky,
now owned by one of his victims, has full coverage of the Rodrick arrest.
Lisa Durden, disgraced ex-adjunct
professor: She
was fired for racist rant, believes criticism of Kamala Harris's former sex
offender policy is "racist" and "sexist." I have gotten
many crazy accusations over the years from random people on the Internet, but
an accusation of racism and misogyny for not supporting Kamala Harris due to
her past public policies on Registered Citizens is the dumbest accusation that
I've heard in a while. When Kamala
Harris (a former sex crimes prosecutor) was California's Attorney General, she
attempted to ban all Registered Persons in the state from social media. This
makes me skeptical of her willingness on even considering registry reform.
Apparently, Lisa Durden took offense to my lack of support for Kamala Harris as
"racism" and "sexism" and even sent racist and sexist
remarks to Derek Logue of OnceFallen.com
Predator Panic tends to bring out the worst in society, and this year's collection of dumbest stories is among the dumbest in the 14 years this awards has been offered. Is it merely a microcosm of our current culture war? At least some of the nominations are tied to the culture wars.
HOLY SHIITAKE AWARDS (AKA DUMBEST HEADLINE/STORY) 2021 WINNER! Attorney for Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse wants to show victim was a "Sex Offender" to justify murder: Kyle Rittenhouse's attorney wants a judge to allow him to argue that one of the men his client fatally shot during a Wisconsin protest was a sex offender, saying it supports a defense theory that he attacked Rittenhouse and intended to take his gun because he couldn't legally possess one.RUNNER UP! The baby from the cover of Nirvana's "Nevermind" album is suing while claiming cover is "Child Porn" and "sex Trafficking": After reading this, it seems to me that that Spencer Elden is suing because he was snubbed by the band when wanting them to promote his art. If he simply sued over name and likeness, that's fine, but he went the extra mile to claim the image is "CP" and is also that, as reported by CNN, "Elden was sexualized because the dollar bill used in the image made the baby resemble 'a sex worker.'" Claiming the album cover is CP is absurd. In the words of Curt Cobain, “If you’re offended by this, you must be a closet pedophile.”
Holy Shiitake Awards (Aka Dumbest Headline/Story) 2021 Dishonorable Mentions
Old Dominion University pressures
transgendered professor to resign for simply doing research on Minor Attracted
Persons: “Old
Dominion University professor Allyn Walker, whose research into adults who are
sexually attracted to minors drew protests and threats, has agreed to step
down, Walker and the school announced in a joint statement Wednesday. Walker,
an assistant professor of sociology and criminal justice, had been placed on
administrative leave Nov. 16. They now will remain on leave until the
expiration of their current contract in May. Walker’s research into
“minor-attracted people” and their use of that term had been met with an outcry
from students and others online, who claimed that such language destigmatized
sex offenders. Walker has maintained that their work was intended to better
understand would-be sex offenders and prevent child sexual abuse. “That
research was mischaracterized by some in the media and online, partly on the
basis of my trans identity,” Walker said in the statement Wednesday. “As a
result, multiple threats were made against me and the campus community
generally.” ODU professor placed on leave amid uproar over research into
‘minor-attracted persons’
Right Wing nutjob (or spambot)
Gary Ruot claims we should not carry vaccine cards because Registered Persons
don't need ID cards due to privacy rights: “President Joe Biden announced COVID-19 vaccine
requirements Sept. 9 for federal workers and companies with more than 100
employees. That means millions of Americans may soon have to prove they've
received the shot. A widespread claim on social media attempts to make a point
by comparing that potential requirement to those for sex offenders. "There
are 800,000 registered sex offenders in the U.S. and they don't carry a card
because it 'violates their privacy,'" reads text in a Sept. 13 Instagram
post. "Keep that in mind." The post, published by an account called
1776 PRIDE, accumulated 5,400 likes within one day. Similar posts have racked
up tens of thousands of interactions on Facebook and Instagram, according to
CrowdTangle, a social media insights tool. Those claims distort the facts on
sex offenders, who are subject to a wide array of limitations. Sex offenders
are indeed required to carry special identification in some states, and in the
states where such laws have been overturned, it's been due to free speech
concerns, not privacy.
Registrant's name physically
scratched off a commemorative plaque in Devon, UK: The name of a former council
leader jailed for sexually assaulting three women has been removed from a
plaque marking the opening of a bridge he helped campaign for. Ex-Devon County
Council boss Brian Greenslade was jailed for 16 months after being convicted in
May. His name has been scratched off the sign marking the opening of the
Western Bypass and Taw Bridge in Barnstaple. Devon County Council said the work
was an "interim measure". A spokesman for the authority said it was
exploring longer term options to commemorate the opening of the bridge. He
added: "Following Brian Greenslade's conviction, we are sensitive to the
potential offence likely to be caused to survivors and others affected by his
historic actions."
Civilian Virginia State Police
SOR employee charged with possessing CP: On the one hand, the pics were of someone just shy
of her 18th birthday (and she's being charged with making the pics); on the
other hand, this guy worked for the agency that adds people to the public
registry in VA, so you'd think he would know what happens to those convicted of
a sex offense. “In a criminal complaint, Edwards said investigators searched
Underwood’s cell phone in March and found seven images of possible child porn.
Underwood, who’s on unpaid leave, was a civilian employee with the state
police’s firearms and sex offender investigate unit, according to a VSP
spokesperson. Police were able to identify the female in the images who
confirmed she was 17 during the offense dates – Dec. 4, 2019, to Dec. 4, 2020.
Now an adult, the female named in the complaint, 18-year-old Keilee Jude whose
birthday is Dec. 4, is facing Bland County charges of possessing child porn. Jude
and 41-year-old William Dean Blankenship were arrested in February after police
searched a Bland County residence and reported finding drugs and cell phones
containing pornographic images of Jude and two other juveniles – one 17 and one
The village of Hartland WI has a
"sex offender saturation" law. Now they're justly getting sued for
it: "Village"
is a bit of a misnomer. Hartland, population 9268, is a suburb of Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, so it is a bit big for a village. Regardless, in all my years of
covering various laws against Registered Persons, I've never seen a law that
could be described a "saturation" law. Essentially, the village has
placed limits on the number of Registered Persons who can live within the
limits of the community. And now they're getting sued for their efforts. Good.
“Karsten Koch, 34, has been living with his parents in Nashotah, but he would
like to move out to his own place in Hartland to be closer to his job but not
too far from family. Hartland's police chief has warned Koch he's not welcome,
citing the village's moratorium on any more sex offenders living there. In a
federal lawsuit, Koch contends that the village's 2018 ordinance, applied
retroactively, amounts to an illegal ex post facto law, in violation of the
U.S. Constitution. The "designated offenders" banned by the ordinance
include anyone on the state's sex offender registry. Koch is listed there
because of a 2007 conviction for sexual assault of a child. According to the
suit, Hartland officials decided a few years ago that too many sex offenders —
32 — already lived there, a "saturation level" 6.75 times higher than
other Waukesha County communities. The ordinance thus declared a moratorium on
any more offenders moving to Hartland until the saturation level more closely
matches that of Waukesha County overall.”
Small town of Genoa, Nebraska
(population 1000) overreacts to Registered Person moving in with "school
lock out":
Nebraskans Unafraid and I both contacted the town; they claimed to have such an
ordinance in place but did not provide evidence that was true. “Twin River
Public Schools was briefly placed in “lock out” Tuesday while the Nance County
Sheriff’s Office measured the distance between the residence of a
recently-registered sex offender and the school. In a Facebook post, the
sheriff’s office said 27-year-old George Kelly registered at the Nebraska State
Patrol office in Norfolk and listed a Genoa address. NSP explained to Kelly
that he could not live within 500 feet of a school or childcare facility per
Nebraska statute. Due to the proximity of the residence to the school, it was
agreed upon to put the school in a "lock out" status, which kept
students inside the building and kept outside visitors out of the building. The
Sheriff's Department measured the distance between the two properties and
discovered that the distance was 237 feet, well within the 500 feet limit.
Kelly agreed to immediately leave the property and register in another county.
Kelly left, and the school returned to normal status.”
Poetry Magazine faced backlash for
publishing poem by Registered Person:
The US’s prestigious Poetry magazine has doubled down on its decision to
publish a poem by a convicted sex offender as part of a special edition
dedicated to incarcerated poets, telling critics that “it is not our role to
further judge or punish [people] as a result of their criminal convictions”. I’m
glad Poetry Magazine published the poem and didn’t kowtow to the victim cult.
We've done this before ten years ago, but seeing these operations especially during a pandemic year is especially heinous, and it seems the operation names have gotten worse.
DUMBEST COMPLIANCE CHECK OPERATION NAME WINNER! Operation Boo Dat – New Orleans LA: The U.S. Marshals Service New Orleans Task Force has recovered five missing teenagers and arrested 30 sex offenders. The recoveries and arrests were part of Operation Boo Dat, according to WGNO. Seventeen of those arrests were due to sex offender registration violations, the station reported. Operation Boo Dat 2021 ran from mid-October to Dec. 24 and the five teenagers who were recovered ranged in age from 14 to 16, including two sisters. (Note: Boo Dat is a play on words of sorts; the NO Saints NFL team uses the slogan “Who Dat”. Still, a really stupid name for an operation.) See https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2021/12/28/sex-crime-operation-leads-to-recovery-of-5-missing-teens-30-offenders-arrested-reports-say/
RUNNER UP! Operation Squeaky Wheels, Osceola Co FL: “The compliance operation titled Squeaky Wheels was funded by the United States Marshal Service and ran from April 12, 2021, through September 1, 2021. The mission of Squeaky Wheels was to investigate sexual predators and offenders who were not compliant with the 22 conditions of the Florida State Statutes including residency status, internet usage, and employment.” See https://www.osceolasheriff.org/osceola-county-sheriff-detectives-team-with-the-united-states-marshal-service-deputies-to-arrest-sexual-predators-and-sexual-offenders-in-a-5-month-operation/
Dumbest Compliance Check Operation Name 2021 Dishonorable Mentions:
Operation Dirty
Santa, Panama City FL:
“This was targeting sex offenders, child pornographers, and travelers who are
coming from out of the area to meet minors for the purpose of having sex,”
Panama City Police Chief Mark Smith said. The four-day sting involved four Bay
County law enforcement agencies: Panama City Police Department, Bay County
Sheriff’s Office, Panama City Beach Police Department; three state agencies,
and four federal agencies. See https://www.mypanhandle.com/news/operaton-dirty-santa-nabs-sex-offenders/
Operation Cold
Turkey, Passaic Co. NJ: “During Operation “Cold Turkey,”
the District of New Jersey and the New York/New Jersey Regional Fugitive Task
Force used its multi-jurisdictional investigative authority to partner with the
Passaic County Prosecutor’s Office, Passaic County Sheriff’s Office, New Jersey
State Police, and New Jersey Department of Corrections to locate non-compliant
sex offenders from Passaic County. In addition, Operation Cold Turkey has
generated multiple leads for sex offenders who have traveled out of state,
knowingly failed to register, and are now in possible violation of the Adam
Walsh Act. Convicted sex offenders have an obligation to register and are most
dangerous when they believe no one is watching. Operation Cold Turkey has
served to help get these offenders back in compliance with state registration
requirements and thus making our neighborhoods safe again,” claims U.S. Marshal
Juan Mattos Jr. See https://www.usmarshals.gov/news/chron/2021/120221.htm
Operation REAP
Harvest, Odessa TX:
“The Odessa Police Department says members of the Registration, Enforcement,
Apprehension, and Prosecution Team recently conducted a compliance inspection
of registered sex offenders…Participating agencies include OPD, the Department
of Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Texas Department of
Public Safety, Texas Rangers, Ector County ISD, the Odessa Fire Marshall and
Adult Probation.” See https://www.yourbasin.com/news/sex-offender-compliance-operation-reap-harvest-yields-one-arrest-14-others-out-of-compliance/
Operation Candy
Corn Compliance, Laporte Co. IN:
"All 123 of the classified and registered sexually violent predators and
offenders against children were specifically targeted because of the upcoming
trick-or-treat that will be taking place during the Halloween season,"
said LaPorte County Sheriff John Boyd. See https://www.nwitimes.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/police-target-sex-offenders-in-operation-before-halloween/article_fd690d66-bd94-58f0-ac4b-2ff586348303.html
Operation Dunder
Mifflin, Scranton PA:
The operation was presumably named in honor of the hit sitcom "The
Office," which takes place at a fictional paper company named Dunder
Mifflin in Scranton. Despite the operation's name, the mission was serious. Between
August 2 to September 17, US Marshals coordinated with the Scranton Police
Department to verify the home addresses of 219 convicted and registered sex
offenders living in the area, US Marshals said in a news release on Monday. See
Operation Watchful
Eye VI, Georgia:
“Operation Watchful Eye stems from a coordinated state effort, which first
started in 2015, to conduct registered sex offender residence verifications and
compliance checks, authorities said. The Georgia Sheriffs' Association also has
a dedicated task force to help coordinate and elevate these efforts.” See https://www.11alive.com/article/news/crime/35-georgia-sex-offenders-arrested-operation-watchful-eye/85-4274603b-7cc1-4bc5-8f75-631f8333270f
‘NO Saints and
Sinners’, New Orleans LA:
:The USMS SOIB Operation NO Saints and Sinners 2021, a sex offender enforcement
and compliance check operation resulted in the arrests of 18 sex offenders for
sex offender registration violations. 46 sex offender compliance checks were
done during the operation with 33 verified compliant, 3 verified as being
noncompliant, and 10 needing further investigation. These checks were done in
both Jefferson and Orleans Parishes.” See https://www.usmarshals.gov/news/chron/2021/101921.htm
Operation Candyman,
Stanislaus Co. CA:
“The sheriff's office said in a community alert that the premise of
"Candyman" was to check on the compliance of registered sex offenders.
As a result, on Tuesday law enforcement made contact with 33 previously
convicted and registered sex offenders. The checks resulted in 12 arrests, four
firearms seized, one Taser confiscated and even one sword seized. See https://www.abc10.com/article/news/crime/stanislaus-county-operation-candyman/103-31f6d5cd-34f5-49a6-a8f7-4a043de96057
Operation Rundown,
Virginia: “Two
dozen registered sex offenders within the Western District of Virginia have
been arrested after members of the United States Marshals Service — in
cooperation with Virginia State Police — spent six weeks completing “Operation
Rundown.” According to authorities, Operation Rundown was conducted from
mid-July to the end of August, focusing on individuals with warrants issued for
sex offender registry violations, as well as other violent offenses within the
Commonwealth.” See https://www.wric.com/news/crime/24-registered-sex-offenders-in-western-virginia-arrested-during-us-marshals-operation-rundown/
Operation Watchful
Eye, St. Lucie Co. FL:
“The operation is done several times a year, including near the end of summer
around the start of school.” https://cw34.com/news/local/two-sex-offenders-wanted-after-compliance-check-in-st-lucie-county
Operation Reboot,
Utah: “In what
is believed to be the largest sex offender operation in state history, 11
agencies from the Wasatch Front, as far as east the Uintah Basin, and down to
Washington County and St. George, participated in the two-week operation,
according to a news release. The purpose of the operation was two-fold: to
utilize the U.S. Marshals Service Violent Fugitive Apprehension Team to remove
violent fugitive sex offenders from Utah communities and to have state agencies
conduct statewide sex offender compliance checks, to ensure Utahns, who are
convicted sex offenders and who are required by law to register as sex
offenders have done so.” See https://gephardtdaily.com/local/wasatch-front-agencies-take-part-in-nationwide-sex-offender-compliance-operation/
Scarecrow, Las Vegas NV:
“Las Vegas Metropolitan Police officers are also keeping tabs on registered sex
offenders ahead of the Halloween weekend. "Every year the Las Vegas
Metropolitan Police sex crimes section takes the lead on a very large sex
offender address verification operation," said Lt. Jason Johansson. In the
days leading up to Halloween, officers surprise registered sex offenders by
showing up to their doors as part of "Operation Scarecrow." See https://www.fox5vegas.com/news/operation-scarecrow-las-vegas-police-check-in-with-sex-offenders-ahead-of-halloween-weekend/article_720aa124-3798-11ec-8413-072cdda4c766.html
Round Up, Lubbock TX:
“The Lubbock Police Department’s Registered Sex Offender Unit, in coordination
with the U.S. Marshals, the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Lubbock
County Sheriff’s Office, recently participated in the Back-to-School Round Up
to ensure compliance of registered sex offenders.” See https://www.lubbockonline.com/story/news/2021/09/10/back-school-sex-offender-roundup-yields-12-arrests-around-lubbock/8277217002/
Operation More Than
Adequate, San Joaquin Co. CA:
“The sheriff’s office said the operation, called “More Than Adequate,” resulted
in more than double the arrests in comparison to the last operation of this
type. The San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office said it was assisted in the
investigation by Lathrop Police Services, Sacramento Police Department, San
Joaquin County Woman’s Center, Department of Justice, Homeland Security, San
Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office, San Joaquin County District Attorney
Investigators, Stockton Unified School District, Stockton Police Department,
Alcohol Beverage Control, Lodi Police Department, Tracy Police Department, San
Joaquin County Probation Department, the California Department of Corrections
& Rehabilitation Office of Correctional Safety-Division of Adult Parole,
Parole Department, and U.S. Marshalls.” See https://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2021/04/17/san-joaquin-county-sex-child-predator-sting/
Operation Spring
Sting, Las Vegas NV:
“Nevada parole and probation officers conducted “Operation Spring Sting” last
week and found around 10% of lifetime sex offenders were not in compliance. The
sting, done by the Department of Public Safety, was done between April 20 –
April 22 and focused on verifying registered residential addresses for sex
offenders who are on lifetime supervision.” See
If you are wondering why there is no 'Worst State" category this year, Florida wins it every year, so until FloriDUH sinks into the Atlantic Ocean, it is pointless to even hold voting. FloriDUH always wins. So the wort state is FloriDUH for all time.